CUET DECEPTICONS team is champion in the International Autonomous Robotic Challenge, Bangladesh round.
Navigation in an unknown environment autonomously is an attractive feature that allows roaming of mobile robot in different co-ordinates without human support. And this task gets more interesting when one robot finding its path autonomously and commanding its mapped data to a second robot to follow. International Autonomous Robotic Competition (iARC) 2013 has demanded this ingenious task from the competitors.
The challenge of iARC’13 was to prepare two autonomous maze solver robots which can interact with each other to simultaneously solve two mazes via line-following. Our research was solving the problem by developing two maze solving robots. The first robot solves the maze with the help of turn indicators by the side of maze lines and this robot sends data about indicator locations through Zigbee or NRF24L01 communication module. We have used both modules but we found Zigbee more stable.
As you can see the maze is white lines on a green turf and the indicators for the first robot were black colored. Sensors must have the ability to differentiate between the three colors described early. In our maze solver robot, we have used photo-transistors instead of using the light dependent resistor (LDR) or color sensors. The color sensor was not suitable for this robot as these needs complex processing circuitry and high power consumption. Robot size limit also confines the use of such sensor modules. LDR does not have the ability to differentiate three different colors in same reflective light condition. On the other hand, photo-transistors have shown a promising result in differentiating between the stated colors.
Our team CUET DECEPTICON has successfully completed the task. Defeating more than twenty teams from all over the country we became eligible for the final at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. In the finals, we secured the fourth place among eight competing countries.